VARIVOLT is a variable transformer allowing to adjust voltage on load from 200 kVA to 30 MVA. 

The voltage change takes place at the transformer's secondary (the primary is fixed).

The VARIVOLT is equipped with sliders that allow you to regulate voltage continuously and linearly, It can be seen as a transformer with an infinite number of sockets.

This transformer is optimised for installations requiring a variable power supply telles que les fours à verre et à métaux ainsi que les plateformes d’essais.

The benefits of a VARIVOLT

Adapting power

 L’adaptation de la puissance en temps réel à la charge vous ensures optimum power consumption.

Pas d'harmonique

The VARIVOLT do not generate harmonics which could disrupt the electricity network and affect your electrical equipment.

De plus, les VARIVOLT n’intègre no DC component

Remote control

VARIVOLTs can be controlled remotely, which makes it possible for time saving and simplicité d’utilisation.

Power factor

Avec un VARIVOLT, vous bénéficiez d’un facteur de puissance élevé, ce qui vous avoids the need to install a compensation system.


A VARIVOLT has a lifespan of over 40 years and on average requires low maintenance (every 400,000 pulses or about 10 years)

High efficiency

VARIVOLTs offer efficiency higher than 98 %, permettant ainsi de maximiser l’efficacité énergétique des systèmes en réduisant les coûts d’exploitation. Cela se traduit par des économies sur votre facture d’électricité

Primary high and low voltage

The high and low voltage primary winding is produced in the conventional way. In addition, the primary and secondary windings are insulated, which makes it possible to have galvanic isolation

Variable secondary voltage

Le bobinage secondaire est conçu à l’aide d’un profilé de cuivre rainuré. Il permet une évolution en charge et de façon continue de 0 à 100%.

Want to know more about the technical side?

VARIVOLT technology, with cursors in permanent contact with the copper and immersed in the oil, means that transformers can be made from 0 to 10 MVA

The primary voltage, fixed, is from 400V to 36.000V therefore it is adapted to all HV networks worldwide.

The secondary voltage is variable from 0 to 1.000V..

The maximum secondary current est d’environ 10.000A.

The VARIVOLT secondary voltage is variable.

Par exemple, avec un transformateur de distribution, vous disposez d’une tension de 20.000V au primaire et de 400V au secondaire.

Avec un VARIVOLT, vous disposez de 20.000V au primaire et d’un réglage de 0 à 400V au secondaire.

Thus the varivolt allows the secondary voltage to be adjusted.

Grâce aux curseurs qui se déplacent le long des bobinages, le VARIVOLT dispose d’un réglage fin.

The number of turns selected on the secondary allows the voltage to be adjusted.

This electrotechnical principle does not interfere with the sinusoid and allows clean control.

The thyristor allows the sinusoid to be cut (phase angle regulation) or only a percentage of the voltage to pass (wave train regulation),

This power electronics technology generates harmonics on the network and causes shocks during voltage adjustments.

To sum up, un thyristor génère des harmoniques là où un VARIVOLT n’en génère pas.



Bar ducts

Our equipment

Example of installation

Voici un exemple d’installation, en général, une installation se compose de  quatre éléments:

  • The VARIVOLT: il est l’élément principal de l’installation. Il servira d‘alimentation pour votre équipement
  • The electric connections: the electric connections allow to make lien entre le VARIVOLT, l’armoire de contrôle et votre équipement.
  • The control-command qui permet comme son nom l’indique de check the voltage reaching your equipment. 
  • Then, there is our equipment qui reçoit l’alimentation. 

Our command and control solutions

 Les armoires de contrôle-commande BERNARD ENGINEERING assurent le contrôle complet des Varivolt depuis la cellule de protection primaire, jusqu’à l’utilisation secondaire. Nous proposons 2 gammes d’armoires : with PLC (type MICVAR) or without PLC (type BB).

MICVAR control panel

BB control cubicle

Bernard Bonnefond can help you...

Embedded solution in container

BERNARD BONNEFOND a développé une solution avec des VARIVOLT installés dans un conteneur, 20’ ou 40’, avec des protections primaires et contrôle commande, afin de faciliter l’installation et permettre le transport de site en site.

Application : Traitement des sols, production d’hydrogène…

All in one container

Il inclut le VARIVOLT, les protections primaires, un ou plusieurs transformateurs auxiliaires, le contrôle commande, les bacs de rétention. Il ne reste plus qu’à connecter au réseau et à l’application.

Installation and start-up

Installation complète “clé en main” depuis l’arrivée HT jusqu’à l’installation BT variable.


  • Charges générales de l’installation
  • Safety for people and equipement
  • Planning
  • Preliminary studies


  • Equipment specification
  • Implementation
  • Distribution d’énergie
  • Electrical schemes
  • Réalisation des plans


  • Technical definition for subcontracting
  • Selection of suppliers
  • Monitoring


  • Inspection de l’installation
  • Test before energizing
  • Industrial test
  • Staf training

Bar ducts

Découvrez l’expertise de notre filiale Amppelec which designs made-to-measure electrical connections. In particular, we offer Bar Ducts .Opt for perfectly matched electrical connectivity with Amppelec.

Retention tanks

Discover our solution for optimum management of your VARIVOLTs. Our retention tanks are tailor-made to ensure unrivalled safety. They guarantee reliable protection that meets fire safety standards

Explore our achievements

VARIVOLT worldwide
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Verallia Cognac

Our VARIVOLTs power the first all-electric oven of Verallia. 

Saint gobain Bhiwadi

We contributed to the new Saint-Gobain flat glass production line on the Bhiwadi site in India.

Thanks to our Shelter installation, by offering a turnkey solution in a container, we made it easier and quicker to install the new furnace.

Steel industry

Our VARIVOLTs are used to power a slag remelting furnace.

This VARIVOLT has special features:

The functional part consists of a tank containing the step-down transformer and the VARIVOLT.

Test platform


Siemens uses our VARIVOLTs for their test platform. 

Thanks to the precise voltage control provided by our VARIVOLTs, it is possible to carry out a wide range of routine tests such as :

  • No-load test
  • Short circuit test
  • Dielectric test


John Cockerill

In 2022, John Cockerill has opted for our varivolt to power their electrolysers, playing an essential role in the hydrogen production process.

This process of creating hydrogen using electrolyzers is based on using electricity to break down water (H₂O) into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂). 

For further information, please contact us:




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